Who do you think Ioana asked for his advice when she chose House of Fire Malinois? Robert Kulcsar! Robi is a animal lover, dog trainer who has had pretty good results with his dogs. Several years ago he tried training a Malinois. And since then…. he came back to us because we are the smartest.

Robi says I’m beautiful in this picture!

And as I was saying, Robi was pestered to death by Ioana with her questions about the large breed Malinois. Robi showed her some kennels with large Malinois. She loved the kennel. I wonder why? :))

Well, his dogs are also great. At the moment, Robi has 2 beautiful Belgian Sheperd dogs that learn every day new things: As (Pearls of Grant Asterix) și ChenChen (Cybele Gods of Hermannstadt) that you can see below.

Even ChenChen is no slacker 🙂 A noble breed, both of them give their best in training.